
October 13, 2024


I get a little fired up over things sometimes.
I have calmed down some over the years.
But in many cases I have not.
When it comes to something being unjust for example, this is a trigger point for me and I am very prone to say something to try and get it corrected… and I get a little more heated about it all than I should sometimes.
At work, if I feel like we are not getting the support we need or a pricing policy is unfair for example, it can get to me and cause me to have a little more “lively” discussion about it all instead of staying calm and trying to work it out at a more civil level. 
I was a little more animated about some things than I should have been this week, and although my intent was correct, my delivery once again was bad.  One instance in particular that sticks out was that I ended up lambasting a leader who did not do any homework prior to answering my questions for help and it ended up being a waste of time for us both.
How do you react when things don’t go your way?
Do you keep your cool or sometimes get ”animated”?
A Real Christian Businessman knows that keeping our cool when things get a little stressful is the proper way to act.  Yes Jesus flipped the change tables in the temple when he was upset about folks turning the church into a house of gain, but how many other times did he act like this? I think maybe 5 times in total? All the other times we only read about Jesus being calm in so many different stressful situations (even when he was getting the beat down from the Pharisees before being crucified!).
Next time something doesn’t quite go your way or there is some injustice happening around you, remember to have the Jesus attitude and approach it in a calm manner.
There are enough people like me getting “animated” about things that we need others out there to counteract our behavior.

“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Prov 15:1 (NIV)