
September 29, 2024

Change It Up

We’ve gone through a few changes on my job recently.  I’ve gotten a new branch manager, we moved our offices a couple of weeks ago, and our compensation plan got adjusted (don’t mess with my money! Lol).  I also have a different processor that supports me now and a couple of my favorite colleagues left to go work at another company.

That’s a lot of change in the course of 6 weeks!  Some of these changes affected me more so than others.  Changing how I am paid always ranks as something that I pay close attention to, but also losing a couple of my favorite people that I worked with ranks pretty high for me as a difficult change since I highly value relationships and friendships.

 For me, I don’t always do that well with change… I’ve gotten much better about it over the years but I’m still one that doesn’t adjust well or quickly.

A Real Christian Businessman knows that change is inevitable and that “change is constant”.  It’s how we grow and how life is in this world today.  I’ve had to learn to temper my attitude and actions when changes come around.  I now listen more attentively, write down my questions instead of blurting them out and I give myself time to process the change.    

“There is a time for everything,  and a season for every activity under the heavens” Ecc 3:1 (NIV)

When change comes to the workplace, let’s make sure we stay grounded and curious. The change is going to happen anyway, it’s how we choose to respond that will make the biggest difference and impact.