
September 1, 2024

Get It Right

I recently had a change in my processor that works with me (my right hand person helping me get all my loans closed).  The person I had been working with for the past 3 years has decided to leave the company.  My “new” assigned processor and I have worked together before though. She was the first processor I worked with when I started so there was already some familiarity.
I don’t do well with change, but since I was changing to someone I already knew and was familiar with, the change hasn’t been that big of a deal.  What has been bothersome though is my new processor doesn’t have the attention to detail as much as my old processor did. 
She misses things.
More than my other processor did.
At first it didn’t bother me, as I knew there was going to be an adjustment period getting back used to each other and how we each work.  But I have noticed that many things end up getting missed because she may go too fast, has too many files on her plate or doesn’t pay attention to some of the little things that come up. 
Many times in the past when errors like this would happen I would call someone out on each mistake and let them know they were dropping the ball in a knee jerk / not so kind way.
But I didn’t knee jerk this time.
I instead, in a kind way, sent her simple straightforward messages about each situation that came up and asked her if she could watch out so that next time things didn’t happen the way that they were happening.
And so far it has worked! There are still some bumpy roads here or there but being kind and polite and thoughtful about my approach has helped us get better as a team.
It worked for me this time, but I don’t always operate this way!
A Real Christian Businessman knows that going off the cuff instantly when something goes wrong rarely yields good results.  Approaching work mistakes with a teammate and having a humble heart and open mind will almost always turn out for the best.

A hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel.”  Prov 15:18 (NIV)

I got it right this time but I continue to work on getting better at reacting instead of thinking first.
How do you react in a situation like this when one of your teammates continues to mess up?