
November 12, 2023

I Talked Too Much

Our high school football team continues to do well this season as they are currently in the quarterfinals of the state playoffs.  I don’t have a child playing on the team, but my daughter (who is a junior) and my recently graduated son have been going to school with many of the standout players since the 5th grade, so I have been watching them play together for as long as I can remember.
At a recent away playoff game, we were sitting near team parents we normally don’t sit next to. For those of you that know me I can sometimes get pretty hyped up during a game, yelling at the refs for a bad call and mumbling under my breath (loud enough for those around me to hear!) about what I see happening in the game and what our team is/isn’t should/shouldn’t be doing.
Well at this game it seems my comments about how our team was doing did not go over well with some of the parents around me.  Some of them moved seats, and another one actually turned around and said something to me along the lines of “why can’t you be more positive they are just kids.”
What a wake up call for me! These parents were more invested in these games than I was (I didn’t have a child playing) yet were handling all the questionable football they were seeing in a much better way. 
What about at your workplace? Do you ever make negative comments about something that is going on during a meeting?  Has anyone ever gotten up and left or ask you to be quiet?
A Real Christian Businessman realizes being excited about what is going on but being negative in our comments is not the right thing to do!  I quickly apologized to the parents and calmed down my tone and cheering style.  
Be sure your approach at work isn’t like mine was at the football game.  Cheer your coworkers on and watch out for the comments that you make – keep it positive and encouraging!

“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” Eph 4:29 (ESV)