
October 15, 2023

Vacation Attitude

We just got back from a family vacation.  We took a 4-day cruise to Nassau leaving from Florida!  The destination wasn’t the focus of the trip. It was more about getting everyone onto the ship together, without having to worry about cooking or cleaning or really doing anything… We all got to hang out and do whatever we wanted!
My key takeaway from this cruise was the attitude of the other passengers.  There were some that had a great attitude, but many of them were rude and complained the whole time.  They looked for everything that was wrong and at every turn.  While in the elevator, walking to a show, in line at the buffet, waiting to get a drink… all I heard about was how the food portions were too small and the staff didn’t smile at them and the elevators were a pain and on and on and on.
I didn’t see it this way!  All of the family was together, we had a ton of chances to hang out, laugh, do things we had not done before (the ship was one of 3 in the world that had a zip line on it!) we had as much food as we wanted and the staff was delightful – Everything was taken care of! 
The main difference on this vacation was the attitude and approach.  I was looking at all of the things that were great about this trip, and most of the other folks I ran into were trying to find everything that was wrong with the trip.
When it comes to our attitude and approach at our workplace, A Real Christian Businessman chooses to take the correct approach.  Are we looking for all the things that are wrong with our job and pointing them out at every turn? or are we looking for all the good things that are happening and bringing those up in meetings and with others that we work with?

“Whoever looks for good will find kindness, but whoever looks for evil will find trouble.”  Prov 11:27 (NCV)

Let’s not have a bad vacation attitude like most of the folks on the cruise ship had and look for all of the good at our workplace.  I’d much rather find kindness at work than trouble, wouldn’t you?!