
October 1, 2023

Game Time

Our local High school football team is doing really well this year (currently 7-0).  What’s cool about it is that many of these young players have been playing football together since the 5th grade.  Our daughter is on the high school dance team that performs at all the games so we are always at the games and able to watch. 
Watching these games is fun!  Seeing the big plays, the mistakes, watching them improve over the years, and hearing about the preparation and time spent to be successful has been a fun journey to witness. 
It’s the same for us as a Real Christian Businessman if we want to be successful sharing our faith at our workplace.   We have to make time to practice and get ready for “game time” when we get to work.  Bible reading, prayer, and church attendance all help us to be better examples of balancing our faith in our workplace.
If I’m cranky and short with my co-worker was my bible reading time less this week?
If I don’t seem to care about my suppliers difficult family situation is it because I have slacked off on praying… especially praying for others?
This happens to me all the time!  I notice I’m short or less compassionate with my situations at work and then I realize how much less “preparation” I have been doing as it relates to my relationship with God.

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Col 3:16 (NIV)

I’m reminding us all that we have to have the same type of preparation that these young high school athletes I have been watching have in order for us to make an impact with our faith at work.  We may not go 7-0, but daily preparation will put us in a better position to be someone that has a positive influence on others.