
September 3, 2023


I wear a silicon band around my right wrist most of the time.  It says “get your mind right” and references Romans 8:5. It is from a sermon that one of our elders in our church is known for about mind set:

“Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” Rom 8:5 (NIV)

“Get your mind right!”  – I can hear brother Sherman saying this even now!
I also have a bible next to my desk in my workspace at home.  (Since I don’t have a designated spot to work at the office I don’t have anything there)
Both my Bible and my band serve as constant reminders of how I am to act and how I am to carry on in my vocation.
But they don’t always work for me!
You see, I constantly forget to get my “mind right”.  To pray.  To reference my bible. To serve with kindness.  To have humility.  To look at things optimistically. 
Even with my reminders like this and more all around me I still forget what to do.
It makes it seem like it isn’t even worth using them, doesn’t it? We all fail when it comes to this it seems.
Yet a Real Christian Businessman doesn’t let the enemy discourage us from using reminders.  Yes I forget to use them many times, BUT I DO use them some of the time!  Is some time better than no time?!  Of course it is!
Figure out some things you can do to help you remember how to act and how to be in your work place (silicon band, take your bible to work, Christian music, artwork on your wall, etc.).
Use these tools as reminders as to how to act – and dispel the notion that they aren’t working for you.
Every little bit helps!