
August 20, 2023

Not Approriate

We had an all day continuing education class at our office last week. In order to maintain my license I along with my fellow loan officers are required to take continuing education ever year for the states we are licensed in.
Small talk and table talk always ensues during the class or on breaks. Most of the time it is about regular ole things– kids, schools, vacations, tv shows, etc… but in my office there is a person who regularly makes comments that takes things further than they need to be.   
I have been through numerous mandatory HR trainings over my career.  I have learned over and over again about sexual harassment, inappropriate behavior, inappropriate speech, and diversity.  These trainings along with my moral compass cause me to pause when speech like this happens around me. 
How do you handle a person who makes inappropriate comments at work?
A Real Christian Businessman knows that we will be put into uncomfortable situations like this many times throughout our career!  Something we can do when it happens is to not join in or laugh at the comments that are made.  If things continue to deteriorate, we can also remove ourselves from the conversation or even leave the room. 
Also, at some point we could say something to the offensive person privately (or publicly) to let them know that some of the things they are saying do not sit too well with us and we would appreciate them toning it down.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Eph 4:29 (ESV)

But most importantly let’s pray for those that seek the attention they gain from making these type of comments. 
And stand firm in our convictions. 
Everyone is watching us.