
July 23, 2023

Listen Up Y’all

We had a “happy hour” last week for our branch office at a local restaurant/bar.   It’s an opportunity for everyone to get together in person other than for an “official” meeting or training.   It’s always good to hang with my co-workers in a non-work type environment and get to know them all a little better.
Conversations can turn out to be interesting!  Some of the things people will say or that they have experienced are a little off the wall and crazy.  For example, one colleague started talking about all the dance moms he experienced at a recent competition as his daughter just started competing competitively in dance.  Another was lamenting the fact that his recent trip/vacation didn’t yield much fun at all.
These types of events are always an opportunity for a Real Christian Businessman to express his faith, but we do it in a different way!  This does NOT mean bring your bible to the happy hour and start to read from it in front of everyone. This DOES mean listening with respect to what others are saying or doing and acknowledging it.  Note I didn’t say agree with all that people are doing but acknowledging it and being respectful to what others have to say is the start to a conversation that one day may lead to us being able to express why we act and feel the way we do.
Jesus listened in a way that communicated compassion and care, taking the time to understand others. He didn’t listen to people just to find something to criticize.  He was the ultimate example of how listening to someone and not always agreeing shows that He understood and sympathized with them. 
Even though we may not always agree with what everyone is saying, being a Real Christian businessman starts with listening with respect to what everyone is saying, just like Jesus did.
I didn’t get to say much at this recent event.  But I did a lot of listening! By being a good listener to my fellow co-workers when the time comes and I am asked why I believe and act the way I believe they will be more open to hear what I have to say.

“…Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”  1 Pet 3:15b (NIV)