
March 5, 2023

Encouraged Or Envious?

Being in the Mortgage business in the current economic climate continues to be difficult. With interest rates hovering around 7% and inflation not quite under control, folks continue to put off purchasing a new home.  Nevertheless,  there are still opportunities to help people with their home loan as I have noticed this lately in my branch. 
This week as I was talking to several of my co-workers they both mentioned they were going to have a really great month. I also recently found out that another colleague of mine (who started a short time before I did in this industry) was recognized for the stellar year he had last year – he was one of the top producing mortgage officers in Nashville in 2022!

How do you react when you hear of others’ success around you?

Does it inspire you to do well – because you see others achieving so you know it is possible?

Or do you become envious and jealous – wondering why this type of success continues to elude you?

A Real Christian Businessman realizes when others are having success around him we are to encourage and commend these folks!  Satan wants us to bad mouth them and pick apart their success.  Tearing down and being jealous is so easy!   It’s harder to encourage others who are doing better than you when you are struggling yourself – believe me I know!  But what I have learned is if I sincerely give them the accolades they deserve, it not only shows honor and respect but many times inspires me to greater heights myself.

Let’s all use others’ success this week as a springboard for success instead of a hammer to tear down…  whether we feel like it or not.  

We have enough people tearing each other down as it is!  

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up…” 1 Thes 5:11a (ESV)