
December 11, 2022

It’s Worth it

Over the years the holidays have turned into a big commercial for being festive, looking at Christmas lights, visiting Santa, giving and purchasing gifts (lots of em!), and just plane revelry.

And I love it all!

Our family already has 3 Christmas trees up in the house, numerous decorations are out, we have started buying Christmas gifts (still need to get more!) and we have plans to go see the Christmas lights in our area soon.

Over the years we have seen the proliferation of being politically correct when it comes to advertising during this Christmas season.  Many companies don’t want to alienate any of the population or potential customers by saying ‘Merry Christmas’ in their ads, at the stores we shop, or on the things we read on the Internet or hear on TV.

Yet we have the chance every year at this time to subtly express our position when it comes to our faith.

As a Real Christian Businessman saying “Merry Christmas” instead of Happy Holidays is a simple yet effective way to let people know where we stand when it comes to this time of year.  I have yet over all of my years of living run into someone that pushed back or got upset with me when I simply said “Merry Christmas” to him or her.

It get harder each year in our culture to display our faith as we want to be respectful and loving to our neighbors and friends rather than alienating.  Yet saying Merry Christmas is one of the easiest non-offensive ways to let folks know where we stand while not being offensive or isolating at all.

So when you are at work, out shopping, looking at Christmas lights, leaving the grocery store, or just waving at your neighbor, be bold and wish them a Merry Christmas.

Will you do it with me?

“But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.” 1 Pet 3:15 (ESV)