
November 27, 2022


What did you do to celebrate Thanksgiving? 

We had a great weeklong time with immediate and extended family in Gatlinburg TN.  We have done this for several years now and it is becoming somewhat of a tradition.  I know from my families’ perspective we absolutely LOVE meeting everyone in Gatlinburg and spending time with Devon’s Mom and Dad and all the aunts and uncles and cousins for a week.  We do fun stuff together and it is a great time!

When we go back to work on Monday (if we didn’t have to work on Friday) we have a great opportunity to be a Real Christian Businessman to our co-workers. 

The first question everyone will ask us is “How was your Thanksgiving?” and we get a chance to give a positive or negative response.

Typical responses I have heard:

“It’s always difficult being around my extended family because I can’t say a word without it being taken the wrong way.”

“It always causes me anxiety since my wife’s/husband’s family treats me so badly.”

“We had to drive _____  hours through horrible traffic just to spend 2 hours with everyone and no one even appreciated us being there.”

A Real Christian Businessman has a totally different response!   We take this opportunity to BE THANKFUL and expresses this to everyone that can hear it!  For me getting an opportunity to spend time with extended family is becoming less and less of an option so letting co-workers know how much I enjoyed spending time with everyone is an opportunity I don’t want to waste.  Even if you had a horrible time last week there had to be something positive about the day?

When someone asks you how your Thanksgiving was use it as an opportunity to express to others how thankful you are instead of making it a complaining session.   There is enough complaining going around as it is!

“And you will say in that day: Give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted.” Isaiah 12:4 (ESV)