
September 18, 2022

What Is Right

I had a customer treat me very unkindly this week. They didn’t like the fact that I told them they didn’t qualify yet for a home loan.  They wanted me to approve them anyway when in reality they just didn’t have everything quite in order yet for me to do this.
So they spouted off. 
Said something about it being my fault.
Then abruptly hung up the phone.
My personality tends to take this type of interaction personally.  I have learned over the years that people will not always be kind to you no matter how hard you try or what your delivery is like when speaking to them.  But I wear my emotions on my sleeve a lot and am not always able to get over rudeness as quickly as others can!
A Real Christian Businessman realizes when people act this way we have to take it all in stride and try and keep our emotions and feelings in check!  We can’t always predict how folks will act but speaking the truth with gentleness and kindness is the best way to communicate with others.  We never know how they will react or treat us in return.

“…Do what is right to other people. Love being kind to others. And live humbly, trusting your God.” Micah 6:8b (ICB)

If someone treats you unkindly this week, remember this verse!  Don’t wait for the other person to treat you kindly first. 
Our world could use a little more “do what is right to other people” today more than ever, don’t you think?