
August 21, 2022

Be Smarter

I’m trying a lot harder this year at my job. 
But what does trying harder really mean?
In year one of my new career I worked a lot of hours.  Since it was all so new to me it took me longer to do some of the common things a Loan Officer does.  I was learning new systems and how to interact with them, how to properly structure loans within the guidelines,  the best way to follow up with clients, etc.
 Everything Just.  Took.  Longer.
But in many cases, I LET it take longer.
But not this year. 
This year has been a focus on working smarter.
Now I try to be ruthless about the time I take on each task that I do.  Yes I still devote focused time on conversations with prospective families, inputting information into the system meticulously and structuring loans properly, but it is with the intent of finishing the task efficiently AND QUICKLY.
Have you ever heard the story Jesus told of the wise servant who used and grew his master’s talents and the wicked servant who buried them?  We are all called to use our talents and resources God has given us in an honoring way no matter how large or how small the talents and resources are.
The Lord is very clear that He wants us to take our stewardship of what he has given us very seriously and responsibly!  This means we are to not waste our time as we work to get things done but to be effective and efficient with the skills and tasks that are before us.

“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’” Matt 25:23 (ESV)

I still have a long way to go to show efficient and effective use of my time and talents, but so far this year at least things are better than last.
As a Real Christian Businessman let’s take this message today and in the coming week pledge to be more efficient with our time and talents.  It will not only honor God but also make us an even more effective contributor to our vocation at the same time!