
August 7, 2022


What drives you to do what you do everyday at work?
Is it the thrill of being productive?  The money?   The thought of helping others?  Or is it just a “job” and there is no motivation except for the fact that we all have to pay our bills so this is just the means to an end to do that?
For me, the job I currently have involves serving other people. Currently I get to help folks improve their quality of living while also providing financial advice as it relates to their home mortgage.  My pay directly correlates to being able to help as many folks as I can, and if I do a poor job of it or don’t help enough people it makes it hard to buy the groceries each month! 
What about you? 
Can you see how the job you do directly affects other people?  Can you see how the company you work for or the business you own impacts others in a positive way?  Or are you driven by something else such as money, power, or importance?

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters” Coll 3:23(NIV)

A Real Christian Businessman knows that what we do, no matter how insignificant we think it might be is a representation of our relationship with God.  Yes we work for human masters while on earth but we ultimately represent the ultimate master and all we do is a reflection on him and the abilities he has given us.  I have always believed that if I represent Him well in the workplace He will always take care of me.  This belief has worked for me almost my entire life, and I don’t plan on ever abandoning it.
As we go through this upcoming week, let’s take a solid moment to reflect on what we do for a living.
It’s easy to forget that an occupation we may think is so insignificant is actually making an impact on others, so why not embrace it and be motivated by that?