
July 24, 2022

Make It Count

Friday was a good day for me.  It felt very productive!  I started out my day with a list of things to do.  This may sound mundane to write about, but for some reason when I have a to do list at the start of the day it makes the end of the day actually feel productive.  Sometimes I will make my list the night before, so I can sleep more soundly (not filling my mind with what I need to be doing tomorrow since I already have a plan laid out for the next day). Sometimes I write it down in the morning when I get up.

But I don’t always make a to do list each day. 

MOST of the time… I get up, walk around, do a few random things here or there, and then start to work.  I usually will start to tackle email first (being reactive not proactive – it’s the easiest thing to do) instead of making a list and working on the big blocks in my vocation that will generate revenue or move the needle at my company.

How do you start out your day?

Do you start out random like me most of the time, taking it as it comes?

Or do you start out with a methodical plan, working through it throughout the day?

A Real Christian Businessman knows that to be most productive we need to make a plan.  “Random” doesn’t work well for most people, and by at least having a game plan for the day it makes the probability of getting things done much more likely.

So this week….

Let’s write it down.

Think through the day (or do it the night before). 

And make the day count. 

Our productivity will increase and so will our happiness in our job!

“The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.” Prov 21:5 (ESV)