
April 3, 2022

Give Give Give

I get lots of help at work when I need it.
I have several people at my office who help me when I get stuck or have a question about a loan scenario.  Each loan that I deal with has some similarities but all of them are different in so many ways.  I am very fortunate that there are several folks that I work with that want me to succeed, so they are very willing to help me get through different challenging situations that I face.
There are also some people at work that I would never reach out to or ask for help.   
They are only in it for themselves.
“Mine” only. 
“I want that and will take it from you at any cost.”
We all work or have worked with people like this.  And I always wonder, “Why do they have to act this way?”
A Real Christian Businessman knows that the golden rule applies to all.  Not only are we to help others that need help, but many times we get to be the recipient of others reaching out and helping us in return.   Giving of our time, talent and treasure isn’t to be viewed as a mandate from God, but as an example of the way we are to live so that others can see Christ in us.
“You can have everything in life that you want, if you just help enough other people get what they want.”  (Zig Ziglar).
I have lived by this quote for many years of my life.  Helping others always gets us something back in return, although we may not always recognize what “it” is when it does come back.
Think about how you can be helpful and supportive with others this week.  Yet don’t look for something in return – just do it because you can. 
It’s not a mandate, but a way of life for a Real Christian Businessman.

“One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.  A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Prov 11:24-25 (NIV)