
February 20, 2022

Hotel Life

We are going on week 3 of the four of us, our dog and our guinea pig living in a 750 square foot 2 bedroom hotel due to the insurance work being done at our house. Overall we have been doing great! The kids have adjusted well, my wife is amazing at making sure everything is taken care of, and I only get on everyone’s nerves once a day (the family would probably say that number is too low – lol!).   We have gotten into a groove of getting to school, being able to work, taking care of the animals, and just plain living the hotel life.

How has hotel life changed my attitude? Well, first it reminds me that I really don’t need that much to survive. We didn’t bring that many possessions at all to the hotel, and we haven’t really needed that much while we are here.  Second It reminds me about courtesy.   Being kind to others that come into the hotel that are only here overnight, being kind to the workers that we see on a regular basis, and just being kind to all the people that we run across while we are here.    

Are you having to adjust to anything that is out of the norm? 

People are watching how a Real Christian Businessman handles the abnormalities in life.  Do you get on a conference call and start complaining about how difficult it is trying to work in a small hotel room with a dog barking all day right above you?  I started to do this one day but realized folks don’t want to hear about my troubles!  Sure I may need to let folks know there are things that are slowing down my productivity if I am not able to perform my job at 100% but walking around complaining about it is not going to make things any better.

But how I approach it all will.

Let’s look at our circumstances this coming week as opportunities to show Gods love to our fellow co-workers despite our current circumstances.  Let’s make a conscious effort to appreciate the things that are going well and letting go those that are beyond our control.

 Have a good attitude about it all!  Others are watching how we react.

“Do everything without complaining and arguing” Phil 2:14 (NLT)