
November 14, 2021

How Do You Handle It?

I got sick last week.
No I didn’t have covid-19, I had a sore throat caused by stress.  How do I know this? Because this exact illness and feeling has happened to me from time to time over the years and it has always been brought on by stress.
I got behind at work, my brother in law had emergency appendectomy surgery so I drove to Atlanta to help him. My mom in law was diagnosed with breast cancer. I haven’t been sleeping enough.  It all caught up to me and my body issued a mandatory rest period.
I’m feeling better now, my brother in law is doing well, Mom has started treatment and has a very optimistic attitude I’m back to getting enough sleep.
But I let worry overcome me instead of praying more and asking God to help!

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, submit your requests to God.” Phil 4:6 (NIV)

A Real Christian Businessman leans in when things get thrown at him.  More prayer than worry says the instruction manual!   I pray daily but I didn’t lift my worries up to him more than a couple of times each day while all of this was going on.  I have been in situations like this before when “life happens” and when I prayed more God provided peace and protection that gave me comfort.  I’m not saying everything comes out the way I want it to but I can always feel his presence and it keeps me safe and calm (and not sick!).
If you run into more than you can deal with this week at work or at home, don’t try to carry it all on your shoulders by yourself!  It’s easy to think we can handle the things that life sends us “our way” by ourselves.  

But if we don’t use the number one tool that has been given to us to combat all that is going on… that doesn’t make us too smart now does it?!