
October 31, 2021

Cheer Them On

Being a loan officer in the mortgage business means it is every man for himself.  Most loan officers work on 100% commission (gulp) and each lead, client or loan opportunity is the difference in whether there will be food on the table or not.
So it is not uncommon for each loan officer to put their head down and work on their own business; not paying too much attention to what their fellow loan officers are doing.
Knowing this, it would be easy and an accepted practice to go into work every day, be cordial and say hi to my fellow loan officers, but to not pay much attention to what they are doing.
Basically I have to look out for myself, right?
But I also need to look out for others.
A Real Christian Businessman encourages his fellow loan officers at his workplace.  He recognizes that encouraging others and being different in a cut throat every-man–for-himself industry displays the qualities of a believer to all.  I personally love to see my co-workers succeed and prosper in their business!   I have also learned that if I ask them how they got to where they are or how they are having the success they are having, they are more than willing to share their process and techniques with me.
So when you are in the office this week, don’t be selfish like I am and only worry about how your business is doing or only focus on what’s going on with your projects. 
Encourage your fellow worker!  Whether they are a teacher, an administrative assistant, or a Senior VP, everyone could use a sincere word of praise.

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 thes 5:11 (NIV)