
August 22, 2021

Grin And Bear It

I rarely see anyone smiling at work.
Usually when I walk around the office every person I pass is either hunkered down, submerged into what they are working on with a very serious focused look on their face or their head is buried in their smartphone, texting or scrolling as they take care of whatever it is they need to do on their phone.
I fall into the category of not smiling at work more than I want to admit.  Many times I will go to work or pass my colleagues in the hall without even saying good morning or hello to them. I also will sit in my office for hours with my head in my computer, focused on whatever task is in front of me, never looking up or acknowledging someone when they walk by or say hello.
Do I do this because I take for granted the fact that I have a job that earns me income so I can provide for my family?  Or has someone at work really made me that upset that I don’t have the ability to smile at all during an 8-9 hour workday?
A Real Christian Businessman realizes that smiling at work is one of the easiest ways to represent who we are as a believer!  Even if others at work have caused us to be upset, even if the situation we are in at work is not the most ideal vocational scenario, we DO have a job, and we can face the day in one of two ways – with a smile on our face or a serious, I-don’t-want-to-talk-to-anybody look.
Join me this week in doing one of the simplest things we can do to show joy to others – smiling towards someone in our workplace.
It makes more of an impact than we probably can even measure.

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Ps 118:24 (ESV)