
August 8, 2021

I Love Meetings?

We had a branch meeting last week.  We don’t have branch meetings too often (maybe once every 2 months) so I make it a point to try to at least attend via videoconference if at all possible.  In my previous job, we had meetings ALL the time. I mean, we had to schedule doing our work around the sheer number of meetings we had because my company was in meeting overload.
I am just like the next person who has been in one too many meetings over the years.  I have also heard the complaints (coming from me too!) about how ineffective it is to attend meetings. They are boring, they are a waste of time, why do we have them, I need to be doing work, etc.
Even though I may not like meetings, and even though they sometimes are a waste of time, they do serve a purpose if done correctly.  We get to hear from leadership about things that are going on in our company.  We get to see and interact with others that we work with.  It shows solidarity as a team as we try to move forward as a group or department. 
As a Real Christian Businessman we need to try and attend scheduled meetings if at all possible.  People are watching us closely to see if we show up!  If we can’t attend, we should at least let the leader (or the leader’s assistant) know that we will not be in attendance and the reason why (out of town customer meeting, medical appointment, etc.).  This is not only respectful but it shows care for the organization and the leader that spent time preparing the agenda and materials for the meeting.
So the next time there is a meeting on the books, show up, or send a message to the leader that you won’t be able to make it.  It’s not only the right thing to do; it will show that we care for others, their time and their talent.
( Plus, we might actually learn something in the process.)

“Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” Prov 11:14 (ESV)