
July 25, 2021

Missed Opporuntities

Many folks have gone back to work at their offices or have been required to go back to work at their office.  Where I work we didn’t really take much of a break from having the opportunity to be in the office except early in the pandemic, and now everyone pretty much gets to choose on their own whether they want to work from home or work in the office as needed.  Other people I know have started back 100% in the office (mandatory), some are still hybrid (work from home some/must be in the office some), while some are still able to work from home 100% of the time.
For me it has been a different kind of journey working exclusively from home.  Having worked most of my career in an office somewhere with some sporadic work from home opportunities I now have the option of working from home or the office as much as I like.  I do enjoy the flexibility this type of schedule offers, but one of the things I noticed most about working 100% from home is that I am missing opportunities.
Missing opportunities to be a Real Christian Businessman IN PERSON at my workplace.
Yes I still get to interact with others on the phone, and through video meetings on Teams/Zoom, and of course via chat, text and email.  But the opportunity to say hello to my co-worker in the break room, or the chance to intentionally go by someone’s cubicle to see how they are doing is no longer there.  Gone are the side conversations about how a meeting that just ended went as I walk back to the elevator with others. There are also no more random “impromptu” meetings.
Having realized this I now make sure the opportunities I do have to be in the office or see someone in person are all that more meaningful.  No I am not becoming a bible thumper and spouting off bible verses at the very onset of a conversation.  I am just realizing that for me to make an impact in my workplace as a Real Christian Businessman it takes a little more intentionality than it has in the past.
It may be a little harder to do so in person as we have fewer opportunities than before, but no matter what the circumstances are we are still there for a purpose.
Let’s both make more effort this week to be intentional with the in person opportunities we have and “make the best use of the time…” and be the example we are supposed to be when with others.

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” Eph 15:15-16 (ESV)