
April 4, 2021

It’s Not About Family

“What’d ya do this weekend?” That will be the common and most popular question tomorrow when you get back to work (whether in person or in your first Zoom/Teams meeting of the day).

This is our chance! We don’t get an opportunity as blatant as this as it relates to sharing our faith, but Monday is one of them.
The FIRST thing I am going to say when I’m asked this is that I got to witness two powerful church messages on Good Friday and Sunday that reminded me so much of what Christ really did for us all.  THEN I’m going to talk about what our family did, how we enjoyed helping set up the neighborhood Easter Egg hunt, and how good that dinner was that we ate!
It’s the perfect opportunity for us as a Real Christian Businessman to let others know what our faith means to us in a very simple and non-threatening way.
Don’t miss this opportunity to share your faith! It won’t be Bible Thumping – just plain ole truth!
How will you respond?

“…Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” 1 Peter 3:15b