
March 21, 2021


The other day, I was feeling somewhat down.  It wasn’t bad, and you probably wouldn’t have even realized it if you were around me – but I was.  Then out of the blue, an old friend that I hadn’t heard from in awhile sent me an encouraging message about me writing these blog posts. They told me how much they appreciated my blog, and encouraged me to keep going.  It brightened my day and attitude, and was just what I needed at that moment (Thanks Bev!).
You see, the way I am wired, I thrive on words of encouragement.  It is just how God made me! This doesn’t mean I do things so others will compliment or praise me. It just means that when I receive specific words of encouragement it ignites me and builds in me great confidence about myself.
Now – because I am wired to receive words of encouragement, I naturally give words of encouragement to others that I see throughout the day.  It’s just who I am so it comes out naturally, not forced.  
In the workplace though, this can sometimes be construed as “being the teacher pet” by always complimenting others or especially the boss – trying to gain favor and advancement.  During my career my intent has not ever been to give encouragement for this reason and I hope that I can end my life by never having gone down this road.  Nevertheless, we all have seen it live and in person no matter what stage of our career we are in.
A Real Christian Businessman realizes that encouragement given to our co-workers, family and friends is the fuel that fills their tank, even if they are not wired that way as much as I am.  Giving a co-worker a compliment on a specific project or a child praise for doing well on a recent quiz can go a much longer way than we realize.
Often times in our culture and world we only hear and see things that constantly tear down each other and rip the flesh.  In the bible sarcasm literally means, “ripping of flesh” – in today’s terms it means mocking, sneering, and cutting. Read most social media posts.  Watch the news.  Listen to politicians (no matter what side you are on).   Folks spew venom in the form of hurtful words in the name of “I have the right to say anything” without realizing the pain and hurt their words can cause instead of seeking unity and building others up with what they say. 
Let’s be on the opposite end of all that.
Let’s go in the other direction.
Instead of tearing down someone by your words, why not build him or her up?
Instead of correcting your daughter for only scoring an 82 on her quiz, why not encourage her that she did well since you saw how much time she spent studying?
A simple word of encouragement goes a long way in the world, especially today. Because more people are tearing down than building up!
Try to give some encouragement to others this week. 
But don’t wait to see what the results will be.
Because we already know.

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” 1Thes 5:11 (NIV)