
February 7, 2021

Over Work

As I am trying to learn my new job I haven’t been that good lately learning when to stop working all together and be with my family.
I love my new job… but the Mortgage Industry is totally new to me!  There are so many nuances to helping people with their home loan needs.  Each person has a different scenario to look at and I know it will take years before I get enough experience under my belt to be able to react quicker to things that come up. 
Each week I am getting better at what I do though!  But I have been finding myself spending more and more time working and not interacting with my family.  Working too much has been slowly creeping up on me! 
Add to all that working from home…  It has always had its good and bad parts to it, because although it allows me the flexibility to change the laundry when I take a bathroom break it is also much more tempting to go back to my workspace and engage with my work again at all hours of the day.
How about you?  Does any of this sound familiar?  How has your work/family balance been lately?
A Real Christian Businessman sees the warning signs before things get too out of control and adjusts his schedule accordingly.  I realized this week I was spending more and more time working and less and less time with the family, so I made some adjustments over the weekend and will continue to make adjustments in the coming weeks so that I spend quality time with my wife and kids and not just give them “the leftovers”.
Take my recent overworking example to heart!  Make an assessment of what you are doing right now and make some adjustments to your workday.  Our “job” will always be there, but spending quality time with our family will not always be available or as easy for us to do.  

“What do people gain from all their labors at which they toil under the sun?  Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever.” Ecc 1:3-4 (NIV)