
January 10, 2021

Write It Down

I’m not much of a New Year’s Resolution guy. I’m more of a goal-setting guy.  I haven’t ever been able to keep New Year Resolutions that much, and probably by this point in the new year many folks have already broken or forgotten their New Year Resolutions  – and are feeling pretty bad about that!
Instead – I write down my goals every year.  Sounds corny I know.  Not many people do it.  But I have found that writing them down (and looking at them by my bathroom mirror everyday) helps me to stay focused on making some positive changes in my life. 
I used to have lots of goals every year! I would overwhelm myself with making goals for each area of my life, and then I would always disappoint myself because I would achieve almost none of them.
So now I have a small list.  A top goal, a top 3, and a top 6.  I can always visualize the top goal.  I know what it is. I think about it frequently.  I formulate ways to achieve it.  I frequently think of the top 3, and sometimes I review the top 6. 
I have found when I keep it simple (not too many) I actually can have much more success in achieving my goals. And when I do achieve a goal I just update the list again.  I don’t wait until the end of the year to update it; I just do it throughout the year, once a goal is achieved.
How about you? Do you have any New Year Resolutions or goals for the year?  A Real Christian Businessman sets at least a few goals for himself for the upcoming year.  Having a guide as to what you want to achieve is a normal thing to do.  You have a business plan for your job, don’t you? Why not have one for your life as well?
My challenge is this:  Create one goal that you want to achieve in the next 6 months.  BUT WRITE IT DOWN!  Put it on a sticky note and post it in the bathroom so you can see it every morning.  That’s it!  You will be amazed at what can happen in your life when you do this. Not just making a New Year’s resolution or a goal to achieve, but actually writing it down and putting it where you can see it!

“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” Prov 16:9 (ESV)