
November 15, 2020


Something that I have battled with my entire life is overthinking everything.  I overthink what to have for breakfast.  I overthink my route to the store. I overthink how long it will take me to do a project at work. I overthink whether I will be successful on my new job or not.  I overthink how to parent one of my children.
Overthink. Overthink. Overthink.
It cripples me and kills my mood!  My wife has seen this first hand for many years.  Her patience with me regarding it all is remarkable because she has witnessed how I end up delaying action or floundering or mentally spinning around over numerous work and personal issues.  I stew over a situation waaaayyy longer than I need to, get overly anxious about it, and allow it to spill over into my mood at home and at work.
Do you ever overthink things like I do? 
A Real Christian Businessman can do something about overthinking.  It’s called prayer!  When we pray about a situation that we are trying to handle instead of thinking about all the different scenarios that “might happen” we not only gain peace about that thing we were thinking about too much but we usually end up with a pretty good solution as a by product as well (Holy Spirit’s help maybe?).
So take the overthinking challenge with me this week, and when you start to cripple your abilities by thinking too much about that project at work or how you should handle that co-worker’s email – Stop, pray, and ASK for the Holy Spirit to take the worry from you and guide you in your thoughts.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phil 4-6-7 (NIV)