
November 1, 2020

Pay Attention

Since starting my new job a couple of weeks ago I have been in non-stop online training meetings while working from home.  I am not disappointed about this at all as I have much to learn about the Mortgage industry, my new company, how to do my job and all the systems I will be using.  But paying attention while in these meetings has been difficult.
I already have trouble paying attention to things as it is, but it is sooo easy while in an online training class for my attention to float! Not only can I click away and check my work email, personal email, or answer a text, I can also get up and get something to eat, go to the bathroom or say hello to my kids for a minute. I also get distracted trying to figure out what book is on my co-workers bookshelf during the call or wondering if my other co-worker took a shower that day or not.
Losing my attention like this is not good!  I am trying to do better but haven’t been 100% successful yet.  It is a long time to be in training 6-8 hours a day all via video conferencing, sitting in the same chair, not having much opportunity to move or sometimes not even getting a break for lunch.   
Does any of this ever happen to you while you are in meetings?
A Real Christian Businessman knows that we need to pay attention while we are in meetings. It is not only good for the job we have to do but ultimately shows respect to the person that is teaching as well as the others that are attending the meeting.  It’s so easy to just  “check out” while in meetings (especially online ones!) but we are answering to a higher person/calling when it comes to how we react. And we know from our own experience that people are watching us even when we don’t think that they are!
Let’s both take a moment this week and adjust our posture while in meetings.  It’s a very small thing we can do that will ultimately show others God’s love.

Making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding.” Prov 2:2 (ESV)