
September 20, 2020

Serve It Up

When all the pandemic stuff started ramping up in our country around mid March, I had lost my jobs as a substitute teacher and dog walker (no school and everyone was home to walk their own dogs!), but still had my Instacart job shopping and delivering groceries for folks.
The interesting thing about it all was that although I was doing Instacart to generate some revenue it was also a way I could serve others in the process.
I met many folks with a very grateful heart when I would show up at their door with their groceries.  Many people mentioned that they had not been outside of their home for weeks and were very grateful that I was taking on the risk of shopping for them so that they could have the food and supplies that they needed.
I was also personally glad I was able to help other folks out as I could see the need that many people had as it related to staying inside and not having all that they needed in order to get by. It was a great opportunity to serve others while still doing my “job” to earn some income.
How are you doing at serving others in your current vocation?  Are you willing to offer to help your co-worker with a project that they just got handed or do you secretly say to yourself “I’m glad that wasn’t me”?  Do you have customers that you deal with on a regular basis that you are willing to go the extra mile for or are you doing “enough to get by”?
God gave us all certain gifts and abilities. Everyone has some type of talent whether it be administrative or relational or technical or whatever.  As a Real Christian Businessman we are to use these talents to serve others so that through our efforts they can see God being revealed.
We take for granted many times that the work that we do utilizing the talents that we were given is a golden opportunity to show God’s love to folks without even realizing it. 
Take a moment to think about the talents you have been given and how you can use them this week to serve others around us. 
In doing so we will be spreading God’s love to all!

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1Pet 4:10 (NIV)