
September 6, 2020

Way Too Much

I’ve written about this before. 

But it’s worth writing about again. 

I talk way too much. 

While growing up I used to get good grades in all my academic subjects but somehow I would miss the honor roll more often than not because I managed to consistently get a F in behavior due to me not being able to keep my mouth closed. 

At work I have always felt the need to speak up during meetings or ask questions, many times after my questions had already been answered if I would have just listened more closely.

At home I consistently talk more than I listen as I feel what I have to say is very important or the “lesson” I’m trying to teach the kids needs a lot of explaining. 

Talk talk talk. 

Yak. Yak. Yak. 

As I have grown older I have started to recognize that using fewer words is actually the better thing to do. If I can consistently pay attention and hold my tongue things go a lot better. 

My ability to learn goes up. 

I am more productive at work. 

My family responds better to what I am saying. 

A Real Christian Businessman realizes that talking more does not make him look smarter or more savvy or a better spouse or a better parent. It usually just means we use too many words and don’t have control over our speech!

I still have a lot of work to do in this area. I make strides some weeks then I fall right back to where I was before. 

Be wise this week and use less words. Think of my example of missing the honor roll as a reminder to not talk as much as you think you should! 

“When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise.”  Prov 10:19 (NIV)