
July 26, 2020


It has been an unusual summer break.  Things our family normally would do have either been canceled, limited in scope or disappeared.  It also seems like we have been on “break” from school for 5 months (oh wait, it has been five months!).  I don’t even use the word normal anymore or when we will get back to it, everything is just different.
What I have noticed though as we have gone through the summer and there aren’t as many “activities to sign our kids up for” is that other opportunities to do stuff WITH my kids have come up that didn’t come up before.  Yet I still put my kids on the back burner many times, as I feel my current job or task needs to take precedent over the time I could be spending with them.
Our schools will be starting back soon, and the impending start day is looming over us.  I still have a couple of weeks left with my kids having “no school”, and I wonder  – how am I going to handle it?
A Real Christian Businessman realizes that doing our vocation is of utmost importance, but the example we set for others when it comes to how we are spending time with our kids when our time with them is limited is important too.  Yes I need to finish my work tasks, but I also need to take a break while my kids are home and go hit a few golf balls with my son, or stay up late and watch TV with them, or ride bikes with my daughter, or go on a family walk in the neighborhood.
It is easy to do what is right in front of me regarding my job, but for the next few weeks I am going to make an effort before school starts back to be more intentional regarding spending time with my kids.
Will you do the same?

“ Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered— how fleeting my life is.” Ps 39:4  (NLT)