
May 3, 2020

I Can’t Smile

We have been fairly self-quarantined as a family, adhering to the recommendations of the state and federal governments as well as the CDC in regards to wearing a mask over the last seven weeks.  We really have only been away from home for a couple of things, mainly making runs to the grocery store.
I really don’t like wearing a mask (and it seems others that I see at the store don’t like to either!), but I also realize that I have to do my part during this pandemic for any of this to work so I wear my mask most of the time when I am in a public setting.
But no one can see me smile when I wear a mask!
You can see my eyes “peak” I guess, but they can’t see my smiling lips when I have my mask on.  This makes me sad, because I have always tried to smile at people that I see passing by the aisles or at the checkout counter.  And smiling can be done with plenty of social distancing, doesn’t cost anything, and can make a world of a difference to the person on the other end.
A Real Christian Businessman realizes that a simple gesture like smiling can change the course of another person’s day. But how can we do this when other people can’t even see our mouth? I have been making it a point when I look at someone and I am smiling (with my mask on) to verbally say, “I’m smiling right now but you can’t see it!”  And in return I have gotten plenty of great responses and thank you’s for doing this. 
I’ll be glad when we can at least go back to the day when people can see our smiling faces again (don’t get me started on how much I miss handshakes and hugs!).  But until then, let’s make an effort this week to give a positive gesture to others we may see if we are outside our home.  It doesn’t cost us a thing to do and could brighten the other person’s day!

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” 1 Thes 5:11 (ESV)