
December 1, 2019

Give Thanks

 This year we were fortunate to be able to spend Thanksgiving with some of our extended family  (cousins, Aunts, etc.).  This hasn’t always been the case and made it even more of a special time since we don’t get to see them that often.
At work on Monday this holiday gives us a prime chance as a Real Christian Businessman to let folks know where we stand regarding our faith.  The common question on Monday will be “how was your Thanksgiving” and we will get an open invitation to let them know exactly how we feel and why we have the joy that we do.
Typically, I would answer this question something like “We went to Gatlinburg TN this year and were able to celebrate with our extended family.  Boy was that an experience!  You know how it is when you put together family that doesn’t get to see each other that often… The cousins were acting so crazy!! And Uncle Jimmy – well you know how he can be, blah blah blah…” Now there is nothing wrong with this answer, because it is actually very true, but what if I flipped the switch and actually talked only about the GOOD parts of last week? 
Like watching the young cousins laugh and play while swimming in the indoor pool… or the Aunts cooking Thanksgiving dinner together “just like they used to growing up,” or the great conversation I had with my father in law about our kids while we watched a football game.
Even though this holiday is about GIVING THANKS our human nature and society tend to only pick out the parts that really bothered us during this time. 
It doesn’t have to be like this!
We have a prime opportunity not to slap someone over the head with our faith, but to give them hope and a reason for why we live like we do by showing genuine gratitude for something that happened over the Thanksgiving holiday.

How will you answer when you are asked about your Thanksgiving holiday?

“Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” Eph 5:20 (ESV)