
June 30, 2019

Airport Smackdown

Recently I was on a business trip that involved being at the airport.  On this particular day I had been traveling for some time with various connections and delays.  By the end of the day and me still not at my final destination I was tired, hungry and just “done” with traveling.
While I was standing in line at the food court area waiting to get something to eat before my next flight, I was watching a basketball game on the big screen TV that was in the area and didn’t pay attention to the line as it moved forward without me.  All of a sudden a well dressed young businessman cut right in front of me and proceeded to stare down at his phone the whole time acting like he didn’t do anything wrong. 
Needless to say what I did next was not the best course of action.  I proceeded to say something to this young man, but not in a nice tone at all.  I asked him why he thought it was all right to cut in front of me and why he wasn’t more considerate of my place in line.  Everyone around me was staring as well – but I noticed they were staring more at me and my tone/actions than they were staring at this young man.  I was being pretty rude and condescending!
This young man ended up being very apologetic and moved himself to the end of the line as he didn’t even realize he had cut in front of me. 
Did I “show him” because I called him out on his mistake and he ended up going to the end of the line?  Or did my very negative actions and hurtful words towards him backfire right in my face?
We need to make sure our actions line up with our beliefs, and that we are showing love to one another in all that we do – even when we are tired and hungry like I was!  

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves” Phil 2:3 (CSB).

We all make mistakes, but use my example this week to try not to make one as blatantly as I did at the airport! A Real Christian Businessman knows how he is supposed to act… so let’s do it!