
June 16, 2019

Attitude Ditch

Recently while on vacation, I had to wait in line to rent a beach chair for our family.  Renting chairs on the beach is a treat for us and we usually will do it once while we are at the beach just to make it an even more “special” time during our stay.
There was long line to rent on this particular day, and a man several people behind me started complaining to the guy next to him about all kinds of things in a loud enough voice that everyone could here.
He started talking about his 16 year old daughter being sassy, complaining about gas prices for his car, and how much it costs to live in “his” area of the country. No one really wanted to hear all of this negativity, but we didn’t really have a choice.  All the while he was complaining about all these things we were standing there on a sunny day in front of the most beautiful ocean with a nice cool breeze blowing on us all! 
Even with all these great “environmental” things in my favor, this overheard conversation started to bring my attitude down.
Has this ever happen to you?
Being a Real Christian Businessman always has its challenges. We try to stay positive, have made a choice to follow Jesus and model his behavior, but negative, opinionated people always seem to be around and they are so easy to follow!  It is hard to go against the grain and stay focused on building others up instead of tearing them down.  I have found myself more than I would like to admit following the negative path instead of the one that builds others up.  

“Be joyful always. Pray continually. Give thanks in all circumstances. For this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Th 5:16-18 (NIV)

I have memorized these three verses and use them throughout the day to help me keep a positive attitude.
What can you train yourself to do in order to help you stay out of the “attitude ditch” this week as well? 
We need to do something!