
May 5, 2019

I Did It Again

I know better.
But it still happens to me time and time again.
I get all puffed up at work, feeling like I know more than the other folks that I am working with.
“I have more experience than they do.”
“ I have tried that before and it doesn’t work”
 “I should get that promotion since I have made more revenue for the company than they have.”
But as a Real Christian Businessman this is not how it is supposed to be! I am not supposed to be tearing other people down while building myself up, or lifting myself up over others because I “think” I know better or know more than they do!
I always end up getting knocked down or put back in my place when I act like this.  Pride doesn’t sit well in the workplace.
I am writing this today so that hopefully we can use my mistakes as an example for us both  – to put our arrogance aside and humble our hearts so that we can work together with others and raise up God at the same time. 
Don’t deceive yourself like I do!

“If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself:” Gal 6:3 (NIV)