
December 30, 2018

Just “A Little”…

It’s that time of year where we re-orient ourselves, think about the past year and consider new things we want to accomplish for the year that is coming up. 
So along those lines, here is one thing I’d like us all to consider:
 How can we be a better Christian in the workplace in 2019?
Have you slacked off on your kindness?
Been overtly gossiping?
Taken more credit than you should have for a group work project?
Setting New Year resolutions is very common at this time of year. I’m not going to list the statistics about how long it takes before all of us have broken those resolutions (we all know the answer to that).
But what if you were just a little kinder at work this year?
Maybe prayed for someone a little more?
Listened with compassion just a little bit extra?
I’m not asking you to make a resolution to do things like this– but together LET’S JUST DO IT.  There isn’t going to be someone over your shoulder telling you that you blew it by not being “more kind at work”, but the little effort that you actually do put forth can go a long way to someone and we may not even know that it does.
So in 2019 be “a little” more Christ-like in the workplace – and let’s resolve to make an impact together.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self–control…” Gal 5:22-23a (ESV)