
December 16, 2018

Don’t Be Afraid

I write about doing this every year now it seems. 
And every year it gets a little harder and harder to do.
Saying “Merry Christmas” to all those folks that we come in contact with at this time of year.
Are you afraid to say it to you co-workers because you don’t want to offend them?
Does it scare you to post the words “Merry Christmas” on your social media accounts because you have some friends that you know who are adamantly against Christianity and you might make them upset?
Saying Merry Christmas to someone right now is probably the most simple thing we can do as a Real Christian Businessman.
But it may come with a price, right?
We may not be “politically correct.” 
Someone may give us a stern look because they may not be one to believe in what this season is really about. 
We may even have someone verbally (or more common these days “comment/post”) a public reprimand for writing those words on our social media accounts. 
Don’t be ashamed to say something that has been said for years and years, and that celebrates something that has been celebrated for many more.
Jesus told us we would have persecution if we are a believer.  Being ridiculed for saying something as simple as Merry Christmas is nothing compared to what folks in the early church had to endure nor does it even compare to what persecuted Christians in other parts of the world have to go through just to even gather and worship Jesus Christ today.

“Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” 2 Tim 3:12 (ESV)

 So this season, don’t worry about whether saying Merry Christmas to your co-worker or the clerk at the store is going to offend them or not.
This is our one and only “Get out of jail free” card to be able to say something about Christ with the underlying acknowledgement that it is expected at this time of year – politically correct or not…