
November 18, 2018

It’s Hard

I know that it is not easy being a believer in the workplace.  As you already know, that is the reason I started this blog six and a half years ago – to encourage us in this journey together to balance our faith with our vocation.

But increasingly, those that choose Jesus instead of “anything goes” are looked down upon.

Are you a teacher?  Why do the parents fight with you and battle your recommendations for your students like you are their enemy?

Are you a businessman?  Why do your co-workers look at you funny when you have compassion for your competitor who just went bankrupt, all the while they are mocking them and laughing at them because of their situation?

Are you a laborer? Someone who works with their hands and gets the job done all the while glorifying God, but you see all around you folks who do the least amount of work they can just so they can collect their paycheck?

Today I want to continue to encourage you.

Encourage you in your faith, in your work, in your life.

We get beat down by so many factors in today’s world – whether it is the media always looking at the negative view so they can get ratings/clicks, or co-workers putting us down so they can make themselves look better, or even friends and family fighting with us – its no wonder we all have difficulty just getting along.

Take today as a moment to know that God loves you, and appreciates all that you are doing in the workplace to honor him!  The circumstances may not always be great, but our efforts are not going unnoticed, and are making imprints on others in ways we do not even realize.

Remain steadfast, my Real Christian Businessman friend!

“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 (CSB)

“Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (CSB)