
November 4, 2018

Speech Path

I saw it a couple of times this week.

And it made me sad when I saw it.

Someone spoke harshly to another co-worker in front his peers.

It just made me think about how we should be treating our fellow workers (and even our bosses).  This person happened to be in a position of authority, and they were speaking down to someone in front of everyone else.  I don’t see this in the workplace as much as I used to, but I saw it this week.  I know that some of you may even witness this happening every day.

Is this the way we should speak to others that we work with?

Our employees?

Our friends?

Or even our family?

We all lose our cool at some point or another.  Even Jesus did when he was in the temple and saw folks selling items… he overturned their change tables and rebuked them (now I’m not saying he yelled but from what I read he spoke very sternly to those that were selling stuff in the house of the Lord!  See Matt 21:12-13).

As a Real Christian Businessman we need to be on the side of “less” of this type of behavior as opposed to “more”.  That’s why I wrote this today, to encourage us to think before we speak.

“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”  Coll 4:6 (ESV)

Season your speech well this week, and let your faith be your guide.