
October 7, 2018

Before You Meet

I got a chance to do it this week.

With a vendor that is from the secular industry.

I was able to openly pray before our meeting started.

Now I realize that I work in an environment that not only allows this action but actually encourages it.  And even though we regularly pray and have the opportunity to do this at the drop of a hat, even at my workplace we many times take it so much for granted that we completely forget to do it.

Now I know that most of you that are reading this do not work in an environment where you can start a meeting openly with a word of prayer.  I worked most of my career in this same type of environment.  That’s ok, because I’m not trying to encourage you to start doing this now (at least not to openly pray!).

But as a Real Christian Businessman, we do have options.  We can pray in our mind before a meeting starts, and for us to continue to balance our faith with our work this is something we should look to do regularly.

Problem is, we forget many times.

This week as you go about your work, make it a point to pray before you enter a meeting, as you sit in your chair or right before you engage with a customer.  I can tell you that the meeting that I remembered to pray in this week with the outside vendor went better than expected.  Now could it be because we were well prepared and came with the right attitude? I’m sure that helped.  But I also think that our openness for the Lord to enter that meeting freely also had a big effect on it as well.

Try it is this week and see what happens.

“Therefore, I want the men in every place to pray…” 1 Tim 2:8a