
September 9, 2018

One Word

That’s all it takes.

Just one kind word from us can make the difference in someone’s day at the office.

I was having a not so good day recently (probably because we had gone out of town recently and I was still trying to recover from the loss of sleep I was experiencing).  I saw one of my co-workers that I don’t see as regularly as I used to and she smiled and greeted me very warmly and excited, asking how my family was doing and how my current work projects were going.

I didn’t want to talk.

You see I was tired, and I had things on my mind, and I was ready to move on to the meeting I was headed to on the other side of the building and didn’t feel like discussing all of that stuff.

But she kept asking in a very genuine and caring way.  And then she said something that changed my attitude that day.  She encouraged me to keep my head up and to stay positive, and that whatever struggle I may be going through would soon pass.

Nothing earth shattering.

Nothing I hadn’t heard before.

But something I needed to hear at that particular moment on that particular day.

As a Real Christian Businessman, it is so easy for us to forget that other folks around us may be going through struggles and hard times right now. Their child may be sick, they may have a problem in their marriage, or their boss may be all over them to get a project finished.

But a kind word from us could change the trajectory of their day.  It could take what had started out as a bad day and quickly turn it into a good one.  It could take what we may have thought as something very insignificant and turn it into something that very meaningful.

Make a difference in your workplace this week by listening to your co-workers or customers (look for the non-verbal cues too!) and make it a point to say something kind to them before you depart.

That one word from you could make an impact on their day!

“Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” Prov 16:24 (NLT)