
July 1, 2018

To Serve

One of the ways a Real Christian Businessman distinguishes himself in the workplace as a believer is by the way that he serves others.

Now in the workplace this can look a little different than when we are at home or on a mission trip or even at the gym, etc.  At work, serving others does NOT mean doing all of the work that one of your co-workers is supposed to be doing.  It also does not mean taking on a huge assignment all by yourself that will end up causing you to work 14 hour days just to complete it.

It DOES mean that we are willing to offer help to others who seem overwhelmed by an assignment even when it is not in our “job description.”  It does mean we are willing to lend a hand on a project even though we know it may require a little extra time of ours.  It does mean that when it comes time to clean up the snacks, food, extra chairs, etc. when a meeting has ended we step in and help without question instead of just walking away because “someone else will take care of that.”

You see, to be an example of Christ in the workplace, we must serve others as he served us when he was here.  Jesus constantly used this example in every facet of his life on earth, with one of the most memorable ways being when he washed the feet of his disciples as they entered the Upper Room for their last meal together.  The disciples did not feel worthy to have their feet washed by Jesus, but he knew it was what was supposed to be done, particularly so his example could be there for all of us to see even today.

So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done for you.” John 13:14-15 CSB

So the next time you are in a meeting that has extra chairs in it or you see someone at work struggling with a project that they seemed overwhelmed on, offer to help put the chairs away or to help your coworker with their task. It will be a clear example of being a Real Christian Businessman, and will display the servant heart that every believer should have.