
May 20, 2018

“I Go To Church”

I was talking to my friend TJ the other day, who happens to work in the healthcare industry. Many of the people he works with are unchurched, non believers and/or Millennials. They aren’t flippant or ignorant about God, it just isn’t or hasn’t been part of their lives.

Our conversation reminded me of a time not too long ago that I too worked in an industry with people very similar to what he was describing.  And as a Real Christian Businessman, it is a challenge in the secular workplace not to offend other people with our beliefs, yet also to make sure we also also honor God in what we do believe.  Many people we work with today are either intolerant to a Christian, or just don’t even know what it means to follow Jesus.

As TJ and I talked, we realized that it was a bold statement in his industry (and in my old industry) to even mention that you go to church.  Many times you can be ridiculed for saying that or it can be perceived that you are “weak” because you go to church regularly.  Now TJ doesn’t stand up in the middle of a meeting and say “I go to church,” that would not be a wise thing to do at anyone’s workplace!  But he is willing to say it in his normal conversations with his co-workers as it is an integral part of his life and something that he takes part in on the weekends.

Also, the simple statement “I go to church” may be a catalyst to others and you don’t even realize it.  Being respectful to what others believe and think is a part of being a Real Christian Businessman, but letting people know the reason for the hope that you have inside of you is also one of our duties.

So the next time someone asks what you are doing this weekend, don’t be afraid to let them know that one of them is that “I go to church.” We never know what the seeds of a little statement like that could do for their salvation in the long term.

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.” 1 Peter 3:15-16 CSB