
March 11, 2018

Billy Graham Rule

The greatest evangelist of our time passed away recently.  A man that helped shape who I am today, even though I never formally met him.  I was sad when I heard of his death, yet I know that he is in Heaven right now. He is the epitome of the verse “…well done, good and faithful servant.” (Mt 25:21a CSB). In my mind he fulfilled God’s commandant better than anyone since the apostle Paul.

Now there were many things that Billy Graham taught us, but there is one I want to talk about today – The Billy Graham Rule.  Billy Graham had a rule for himself that said he would never be alone in a room with another woman except his wife.  This rule even got publicized (and ridiculed) several months ago as our current Vice President has been known to follow it as well.

I too implemented this rule about 20 years ago, but it took me awhile to fully get to where I am today in regards to it.

Initially I didn’t understand why I shouldn’t be in the room alone with another female. What’s the big deal? Why wouldn’t I do that? I’m not going to do anything to jeopardize my relationship with my wife? I’m not going to do something that I will regret later?

Situations can come up frequently for a Real Christian Businessman who travels, has evening events to attend, or works closely with other women in his office.  It’s not about planning to do something that you will regret, but more about what could happen.

You see Satan knows this!  He is waiting to bait us with opportunities for us to do things that we never would have even dreamed about doing – but in the moment or situation we end up making a big mistake.

Dan, a good friend of mine (who happens to be a pastor) told me a long long time ago about a bible verse that has stuck with me until this day:

“Abstain from all appearance of evil.” 1 Th 5:22 KJV

All appearance of evil it says.  Boy this can be hard to comply with! Think about it, even though you know in your heart you will not be doing something wrong with that female co-worker you are in a closed door meeting with, or that woman you work late with on a project at the office, it is even the appearance of evil that God warns to be careful about.

Don’t set yourself up to give Satan an “easy win” by even having “the appearance of evil” by being alone in the room with another woman.

The reward for this may not always be immediately obvious, you might even be made fun of because of it, but in the end, do you think you will ever regret the decision to follow this one simple rule?