
November 8, 2015

It Is Finished

I finally finished writing my book!

Can you believe it?!

I can’t!

This is something that has taken me MUCH longer than I anticipated, but nevertheless it is done!

I started writing it in January of this year (2015), with the intent that I would have it finished and published by April 1. As you can see, it took me a little longer than that to complete it.  🙂

I still can’t believe I actually did it.

You can check it out here:


Writing this book has definitely been a learning experience for me…. In some respects it was easy, then in other respects, it was hard.

Buy a copy of the book! Better still, it would really help me if you would take 3 minutes to write a review on Amazon once you buy it. Reviews are what really help to drive the awareness of a title up the food chain on their site.

Tell your friends that I wrote this book too – Here is a ‘less than 140 character’ tweetable blurb (it can also be used on other social media sites too if you want).

My friend wrote a book – check it out!  Buy a copy & write a review!

Ok, I’m done asking for your help. I’m actually very grateful that you would even take the time read this blog – Thank you!

Next step: Marketing my book and updating my website!

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.” Psalms 107:1 (NIV)