
June 18, 2017


I spent the last week out of town at a conference, working at our booth and helping explain our products to everyone that came by.  The hours were long that we had to be at our booth – we had to arrive before 8a and work until 9p. One morning we even had to be there at 5a before the attendees arrived to set something up for an event we were sponsoring.  Several nights we went to dinner together too, making it a very long day to say the least being around other people.

I somehow kept a good attitude during this whole time, as did my co-workers, even though the hours were long and we didn’t get much sleep.  We didn’t get on to each other’s nerves nor did we start to have a bad or cynical attitude. It ended up being a really good trip once all was said and done.

How does this story relate to you last week? How was your attitude at the office as you worked with others?   Did you have an attitude of one that would “huff, puff, and blow this house down”?  One that was always talking about how you can’t stand your boss/job/office mate/company/”fill in the blank”?   Or did you have one that exuded confidence, joy, appreciation, and thankfulness?

 “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” Prov 17:22 CSB

This message today is a reminder that a Real Christian Businessman is one that is someone that exudes joy all the time. He is not one that is always being the naysayer, bringing the situation down, or “drying up the bones” of everyone else.  I seem to write a lot about this topic, probably because it is one that I am working on the most in my life. Even though I know this verse oh so very well, many times I do not have joy at work or at home, and it ends up bringing everyone around me down.

Don’t let your past failures cause you to think you can’t be a person of joy.  There is something good to find in every situation that we are in, and the Holy Spirit is there to help us find it even when we don’t think we can do it.

Make a decision this week to have a joyful heart; the “medicine” you dispense will be good for us all!

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