
July 2, 2017

Mom Always Said…

Some changes happened internally at our organization last week.  Not big changes, like lots of job losses or huge cuts, just some responsibility changes for particular people in certain departments that I work with.  It happened swiftly and respectfully, but it happened nevertheless.  Whenever change happens, no matter how big or small, it always causes some turmoil and strife as it relates to the people that it happened to.

Since then I have spoken to most of the people affected by the changes.  Some had co-workers added to their team. Some now have different roles on their team.  Some have different managers they report to.  Some have different jobs all together.  All were affected in some way or another.

As I spoke with these folks last week, I noticed that although they may have not liked the changes that happened to them (which was evident by the look on some of their faces), most of them were all consistent in one thing:  They did not speak badly about what had happened.  Although we both new that some of the changes would be difficult and even wondered why they happened in the first place, neither one of us starting bad mouthing their boss or said anything negative about the new responsibilities.

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”  Eph 4:29 NIV

A Real Christian Businessman knows that when things like this happen in the workplace (and they are bound to happen no matter where you work), using the old cliche that we learned from our mom that says  “If you can’t say anything nice dAnchoron’t say anything at all” is the choice we are to make.  Walking around bad mouthing other folks or bosses will only foster an attitude of negativism not only within ourselves but also within the others that we work with.  Keeping our mouth closed when we want to say something bad is a virtue a true Real Christian Businessman must practice – especially because others are watching our actions closely!

Take this reminder with you this week, and as things happen around you that you don’t like… remember what mom always said. 🙂

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